An airline cargo container sucked into a jet engine? Have you seen what bird strike can do? Visit for these and other photos on aircraft with foreign object damage. Take a look….you will be amazed at what FOD can do!
FOD Walking at Kadena
Over 450 airmen started the New Year by volunteering for the Air Force base’s annual FOD Walk, collecting debris from over 200 million square feet of flight line. Read More…
Graphically illustrates ways to improve your odds against bird strike danger. It’s not cool to fool with Mother Nature – especially near airports. Visit Transport Canada’s site here to download this seven-page jewel that could save your life or your job. Concise, well organized and illustrated. Call Wildlife Control Specialist, Bruce MacKinnon, for more details. He’s at Aerodrome Safety Branch, Ottawa.
Nellis Cleans Up
Nellis Air Force Base undertakes a major effort clean up its flight areas after “one of the most dynamic open houses on record.”
Click here for the PDF,see Page 3
FOD on Purpose?
Use the proper tool in its proper place! The FAA proposes to fine a major airline for using shop towels – instead of the required caps – to cover a jet engine’s oil sump area.
San Francisco Intl Airport Swings Into Action With Their First Annual Safety Fair! By Gary Chaplin

San Francisco International Airports Airfield Operations Division hosted a Safety & Security Awareness Fair September 20 through September 22.
This free three day event brought together the entire SFO aviation community, to inform and showcase the latest in safety and security technologies. [Read more…]
FAA Advisory Circular: FOD Detection [PDF FILE]
After extensive research and public comment, the FAA has released the final version of its Advisory Circular on FOD detection equipment.
The Many Faces of FOD
by Bob Baron, Learjet Crews International, Inc.
It was only a few years ago that I realized just what FOD could do. It was a bit ironic actually. We flew a Learjet into a major overhaul facility where they proceeded to perform a complete overhaul on both General Electric CJ610 engines. After about 4 weeks, the aircraft was ready to be picked up with two “like new” engines. We did our cursory walkaround inspection and low and behold: a bunch of FOD damaged turbine blades on one of the engines! [Read more…]
Sent in by a “FOD Brother” way out in the field.
To whom this may concern at FODNEWS,My name is LT David Nava and I am assigned to VAQ-133, an EA-6B squadron currently serving in Bagram, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I am in charge of the FOD program for my squadron, and would like to submit the following FOD poster created by a fellow squadron member, PR1 Daniel Niles.On a daily FOD walkdown in between flight ops a few weeks ago, our squadron came upon an unusual piece of FOD, one we were not quite willing to pick up. A long story short, half an hour and one 2X4 later, we finished FOD walkdown, injury free. Thank you for your consideration.Very Respectfully,LT David Nava Line Division Officer VAQ-133 |
Commercial Airlines Joining In FOD Prevention Efforts
A few commercial airlines are leading the way in FOD prevention.
Qantas, Air New Zealand, FedEx, United Parcel Service, Delta and United all had representatives at the 21st National FOD Prevention Conference held Aug. 8 through 10 in Orlando, Fla. [Read more…]
Invasion of the Turtles
Dozens of turtles on their annual mating migration shut down a runway at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Misawa Air Base Sweeps Up FOD
With the help of good attitudes and good equipment, Misawa Air Base in Japan is leading the way with the lowest percentage of FOD in the Pacific Air Force.
Real-Time Tool Tracker
Anyone who has worked in manufacturing or maintenance knows how easy it is to lose tools, but a small U.K. company may have found a fool-proof solution. Instead of trying to track the tools, Coplan Ltd., based in Milton-Keynes, has turned logic on its head and opted to monitor the tool box.
FOD Incident: Small Fire
A stray cigarette lighter stuck under a seat cushion likely caused a small fire aboard a Japan Airlines Boeing 767, during a flight from Japan to Taiwan.
Read More…
Tool Control: Navy Practices
The Spring 2009 issue of the Naval Safety Center’s Mech Magazine (pgs. 8, 29 & 31) features several short articles on best practices for Tool Control.