A Ryanair Boeing 730-800 met a flock of the small black birds at Rome Ciampino Airport, resulting in a landing gear collapse. Read More…
FOE Certification Avalable
The National Center for Aerospace & Transportation Technologies (formerly The National Center for Aircraft Technician Training) now offers a formal certification in Foreign Object Elimination (FOE) – Elements of Basic Awareness. Read More…
Did Mystery FOD Ground A380?
The middle eastern airline Emirates believes that an unidentified “foreign object” in an electrical system caused the September grounding of its only Airbus A380. Read More…
Flock of Birds Damages 737
They’re ganging up on us: an Estonian Air Boeing 737 en route to Oslo suffered multiple points of damage while landing at Tallinn. Read More…
Stratech System’s “iFerret” system, which features self-calibrating cameras and automated scene analysis, has been nominated for the ATC Global Awards 2008. Read More…
Did You Get Your Five Today?
The Air Logistics Center at Tinker Air Force Base came up with a simple yet novel idea to reduce FOD in a flight area. Read More…
RED HORSE to the Rescue in Iraq
Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers repair deteriorating runway pavement at Kirkuk Regional Air Base. Read More…
FedEx’s FOD Prevention Program [PDF FILE]
View a slideshow presented by Senior AOD Safety Specialist Nedra Spees at the 29th National Aerospace FOD Prevention Conference. (Additional presentation from this and past conferences are available at the NAFPI Web site.)
Watch out for FOD!
Compliments of “The Combat Edge” Magazine
By SMSgt Jeffery B. England, Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C.
Most of us are familiar with the term Foreign Object Debris/Damage or FOD. Foreign objects and debris (i.e., rocks, nails, screws, fasteners, tools, rivets, and wire) can find their way into the strangest places and do considerable damage. Those of us who work on or near the flightline are thoroughly aware of FOD and its associated hazards, but a reminder every now and then never hurts. Damage to aircraft caused by FOD ingestion can be very expensive. We must do all we can to prevent and control FOD. [Read more…]
Lawsuit After FOD Incident Claims 14 Lives
A group of military families in the United States will file suit over the fatal August 2007 crash of a Black Hawk helicopter in Iraq. Read More…
France Charges Manslaughter over Concorde Disaster
French prosecutors file criminal charges against Continental Airlines and five individuals. Read More…
France Charges Manslaughter over Concorde Disaster
French prosecutors file criminal charges against Continental Airlines and five individuals. Read More…
Dreamliner Plant Spends Full Day on FOD
US aviation’s most ambitious manufacturing project engages in a major FOD training exercise. Read More…
Mechanic Ingested into Turbofan
An aircraft mechanic dies after being sucked into an Airbus A320 in the Canary Islands. Read More…
The Night before Flight 9, in the Land of FOD
The Night before Flight 9, in the Land of FOD
— a very close call
by Fred “The FODFixer” Reid
T’was the dark before flight time
and all down the line
crews slept in comfort
all seemed to be fine, [Read more…]