Sites Dealing With Bird Strikes or Bird Control

US Air Force BASH Program

dogandf16The US Air Force’s working group dedicated to preventing bird strike and wildlife problems at military airfields. The BASH team serves as the guiding resource for military airfield operators on how to reduce bird hazards.

Transport Canada’s Aerodrome Wildlife Control Program

Probably the most comprehensive site on the Web dealing with bird strike hazards. Includes bird avoidance brochures, airport wildlife bulletins, control procedures manuals, bird strike summary reports, bird strike report forms, and proceedings of the Bird Strike Committee of Canada. Published in English and French. [Read more…]

Bird Strike Photos

Preventing bird strikes is an essential component of any airport safety program. The following images of actual bird strikes provide dramatic examples of how FOD can damage aircraft, endanger lives and disrupt air travel. [Read more…]

The Ultimate FOD Prevention Program Manual

“You have hit the nail on the head with your manual…  It provides a good foundation for anyone just starting out as a new Foreign Object Elimination technician or as a refresher for those of us that have been around for a while… Keep up the fight to ensure everyone knows the cost of not having a good FOD Prevention Program not only in dollars but more important human life!” 

Mitchel D. O’Neal
Manager, Foreign Object Elimination AGS &BMS
Lake Charles, Louisiana [Read more…]

Air Force Safety Goes Online

US Air Force Safety Center Proactive Aviation Safety Center (ProSEF) has created a new publicly-accesible Web site that details the service’s vision to “foster a culture of mishap prevention.”

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FOD Comes in All Shapes and Sizes




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The X-FOD Files

Who needs UFO’s, alien conspiracies and new sightings of Elvis Presley? These days, even FOD can inspire the stuff of urban legends. These mysterious photos of damaged engine blades have been flying around the Internet for at least ten years, along with various incarnations of the following story: [Read more…]


Clean your entire runway, taxiway or ramp in just a few passes with this low-maintenance, twenty-two foot wide FODBUSTER ROCKSWEEPER “Super Tri-Link Assembly”. Easy to operate, easy to maintain!


For more information, click The FOD Control Corporation link at the bottom of this page, call (800) 425-8383, or email

Wildlife Mitigation [PDF FILE]

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has released this summer edition of its Aviation Wildlife Mitigation Newsletter. Catch up on bird strikes, FAA activities and some insightful opinion.

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It’s a Jungle Out There – On the Ground and in the Air

Takeoffs and landings get especially interesting when birds and wildlife come out to meet you or see you off. They don’t read security notices, so you need some way to anticipate and avoid getting fowled. [Read more…]

e-Search tips when studying FOD on Internet

According to the Jargon Dictionary, the definition of FOD means two things:

FOD /fod/v. [Abbreviation for ‘Finger of Death,’ originally a spell-name from fantasy gaming] To terminate with extreme prejudice and with no regard for other people. From MUDs where the wizard command ‘FOD <player>’ results in the immediate and total death of <player>, usually as punishment for obnoxious behavior. This usage migrated to other circumstances, such as “I’m going to fod the process that is burning all the cycles.” [Read more…]

1,000 FOD-Free Days

In what may be a new record for the military service, the US Air Force’s 7th Bomb Wing has improved their FOD prevention program tothe point where they recently passed one thousand days without a chargeable FOD incident.

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Green Flag-West 11-10

Looking for a real Fuel Sample Station?

Tired of storing fuel testing jars, waste fuel and small FOD in substandard containers that rust, leak or tip over from rotor wash or strong winds? This new, improved design will keep your flight line safe and clean!



For more information, contact The FOD Control Corporation at (800) 425-8383, or email

FOD and Your Maintenance Facility

Foreign Object Damage happens when ANY object or substance is introduced to a system and causes that particular system to malfunction or be degraded. This debris can take many forms, big or small, especially when an object is left in the nooks and crannies of an airplane during assembly or maintenance. Outside of the aircraft, objects and chemicals used by personnel can damage airplane skins and cause FOD. [Read more…]

Why It’s Important To Do A Thorough Intake Inspection

Courtesy of USAF Flying Safety Magazine

Why It’s Important To Do A Thorough Intake Inspection: Part One

Mishap aircraft (MA) engine start, taxi, takeoff, flight and landing were uneventful for the twin- engine jet. Thruflight inspection revealed the MA had sustained a bird strike on the right side of the fuselage in front of the No. 2 engine. First stage fan blades did exhibit some damage, so the mishap engine (ME) was borescoped, and additional fan blades were found damaged. The ME was removed to the Propulsion Shop for further evaluation where it was discovered several blades in the high-pressure compressor had also suffered extensive damage. While installing the replacement engine, a piece of a coin – an ordinary piece of US pocket change – was found behind the MA. Propulsion top-halved the ME for additional inspection, compared the coin remnant to witness marks on the blades and decided the bird – unless he had been carrying change in a pocket – was guiltless in this instance of engine damage. Which leads to the following thoughts: [Read more…]

Did Screwdriver Cause Crash?

Investigators are asking whether a stray hand tool cuased a Yak-52 aerobatics plane to crash in New Zealand, resulting in two fatalities.

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