FOD News Roundup – June 3rd, 2017

European Union: Airlines Exempt From Bird Strike Liability

In a ruling seen as favorable to air carriers, the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that bird strikes are “extraordinary events” beyond their control.

Image credit: Bigstock


Airports Seek Increase in Passenger Fees

Funding infrastructure improvements costs money that is always in short supply. That’s why airport managers want the federal government to raise the longtime $4.50 cap on the Passenger Facility Charge.

Image credit: Bigstock


Repaving a Runway

Want to see how it’s done? Watch this entertaining short video of repaving and other maintenance operations at Bahrain International Airport.

Image source: YouTube Screenshot


Shopping for a new FOD Sweeper?

Not sure which type of sweeper would fit your facility’s specific FOD control needs? Just complete our handy Assessment Form and we’ll recommend some equipment for you.

Image Source: The FOD Control Corporation