If you think about it, “foreign objects” are not a problem unless they are not Deposited correctly and therefore cause Damage. In order to prevent FOD (Damage) you first need FOC (Control and/or Collection).

1105-VB-FOD(1)In the best of all worlds, no foreign objects such as tools, fasteners, wire clippings and the like would ever be left behind in the workplace. But given the task of dealing with a less than perfect world, we strive to do our best at “Control” and “Collection”.

6041-RThere are companies that make equipment to Collect debris from runways and FOD walks are conducted to do the same. There are various vending, marking and storage systems to Control the flow of tools in the workplace. Programs are in place to increase awareness of foreign objects and their elimination. This is where one of the “D’s” comes in…Deposit. What do you do with the stuff once you have Collected it?

All of us are the same in that we are more likely to do things if they are convenient. So, if there are ways to store and carry tools and if there is a convenient disposal unit for debris, we are more apt to “do the right thing” and keep the workplace free of FOD.

FOD-stand-with-bag-cover-reFOD and tool control bags seem to be part of the answer. Many companies have implemented programs to provide carrying and disposal bags and equipment covers that make it easy foremployees to comply with FOD/FOE programs. Bags are relatively inexpensive and can be manufactured to meet specific needs without prohibitive tooling and prototype costs.

FOD and tool control bags can:

  • Hold personal effects so they don’t fall out of pockets yet are accessible to the owner.
  • Be placed strategically near work areas so it is easy for workers to collect and dispose of debris.
  • Be placed on belts so each worker has a FOD pouch with them at all times.
  • Be color coded for specific work areas.
  • Be printed with “FOD” or any other words or phrases desired.
  • Be made to fit on various vehicles or equipment.
  • Be made with inserts that “shadow” tools so a worker can visually notice if a tool has been left behind.
  • Be made in any size, shape and configuration that will help eliminate FOD.

Covers are used primarily to keep FOD out of equipment or aircraft parts while work is being done nearby.

Part of the success of any FOD/FOE program is awareness and having numerous bags in the workplace carrying the FOD message certainly helps.

Bill Haas is a Regional Vice President for Estex Manufacturing Company.
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